Esta a su vez, se encuentra estructurada en (4) cuatro objetivos específicos:
1. Desarrollar destrezas en el uso de la técnica de predicción a través de un contexto dado.
2. Deducir el significado de palabras desconocidas.
3. Desarrollar destrezas en cuanto a la búsqueda de información general.
4. Desarrollar destrezas en cuanto a la búsqueda de información específica.
Técnicas de lectura:
1) Predicción/ deducción
2) Scanning
3) Skimming
3 September 2010 Last updated at 04:13 GMT
Explosion on Mariner Energy oil rig in Gulf of Mexico
An explosion has torn through an offshore oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico,
west of the site of a blast in April which caused a huge oil spill
Explosion on Mariner Energy oil rig in Gulf of Mexico
west of the site of a blast in April which caused a huge oil spill
All 13 crew on the rig, operated by Marine Energy, escaped into the water and were later rescued. The US Coast Guard said a blaze burned for hours after the explosion but had now been extinguished. Officials said there was no evidence of an oil leak, despite earlier reports of a mile-long sheen on the ocean. But the incident has led to criticism that lessons were not learned from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in April.
Seven Coast Guard helicopters, two planes, and three boats were sent to the site, about 80 miles (130km) south of Vermilion Bay along the central Louisiana coast, but the fire was reported to have been put out after several hours.
"The fire is out, and Coast Guard helicopters on scene and vessels on scene have no reports of a visible sheen in the water," Capt Peter Troedsson told a news conference in New Orleans.
"There's no report or any evidence of leaks, but we continue to investigate and to monitor that situation to make sure that that doesn't change," he added.
The explosion was first reported at 0930 local time (1330 GMT). It had started on an upper deck of the platform where living quarters were, a company official said, but the cause is not yet known.
Mariner Energy said the rig was undergoing maintenance and not producing any oil or gas at the time of the explosion.
All 13 crew on the rig, operated by Marine Energy, escaped into the water and were later rescued. The US Coast Guard said a blaze burned for hours after the explosion but had now been extinguished. Officials said there was no evidence of an oil leak, despite earlier reports of a mile-long sheen on the ocean. But the incident has led to criticism that lessons were not learned from the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster in April.
Seven Coast Guard helicopters, two planes, and three boats were sent to the site, about 80 miles (130km) south of Vermilion Bay along the central Louisiana coast, but the fire was reported to have been put out after several hours.
"The fire is out, and Coast Guard helicopters on scene and vessels on scene have no reports of a visible sheen in the water," Capt Peter Troedsson told a news conference in New Orleans.
"There's no report or any evidence of leaks, but we continue to investigate and to monitor that situation to make sure that that doesn't change," he added.
The explosion was first reported at 0930 local time (1330 GMT). It had started on an upper deck of the platform where living quarters were, a company official said, but the cause is not yet known.
Mariner Energy said the rig was undergoing maintenance and not producing any oil or gas at the time of the explosion.
Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.
• De acuerdo al título y la imagen, ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
R= Reportes de daños y otras consecuencias mayores de Incendios en Plataformas Petroleras en costa afuera del Golfo de México
• ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
R= Informar acerca de los daños ocurridos en una Plataforma Petrolera de la BP ubicada en el Golfo de México y de sus serias consecuencias al ambiente.
• ¿Que palabras se repiten?
R= Oil, Marine, Energy, Report, Explosion, platform
• ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
R= Marine( Cognado falso), Report, Explosion, Platform, Energy ( Estos últimos son cognados verdaderos)
• ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
R= • Explosion, Mariner, Energy, Gulf, caused.
• ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
R= Trata de las acciones que se tomaron para rescatar, los sobrevivientes y de las acciones para intentar salvar la Plataforma. Esta última parte no se pudo porque todavía el pozo estaba enviando crudo a la superficie y no habían logrado cerrar la válvula que se encuentra en la boca del pozo a una gran profundidad.
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