sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011


A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.

   1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.


           The Chestnut field in the Central North Sea is operated by Centrica Energy Upstream and located in 340 feet of water. It produces from the Nauchlan sand, a weak, high permeability sandstone reservoir with similar characteristics to those found in the nearby block. The field produces hydrocarbons from two subsea wells; a horizontal and a deviated producer, both completed open hole with sand control equipment. An open hole injector, also completed with sand control equipment, provides means of reservoir pressure support.

   a) SANDSTONE:   S. Significa arenisca ó piedra.
   b) NEARBY:  Adj. Siginifica cercano;  
   c) SUBSEA: S. Significa Sublacustre.

 2. Idea principal del texto (en español)

     La Compañía  Centrica Energy Upstream produce hidrocarburos desde su  Central en el  campo de la castaña en el Mar del Norte a 340 pies de agua en el subsuelo lacustre, dado que las características del subsuelo permiten la extracción.3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria):

 Palabras de contenido:   North Sea; field
 Palabras de Función: in, from
 Verbos: To be (is operated), locate, produces
 Adverbio: ---
 Adjetivo: nearby,  an open hole
 Artículo: The, an
 Preposiciones: in, for, from
 Conjunción: and,
 Cognados verdaderos:
permeability, hydrocarbons, energy
 cognados Falsos:  no existen

B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)
1)The Chestnut field in the Central North Sea is operated by Centrica Energy Upstream and located in 340 feet of water.
Frase nominal :The Chestnut field in the Central North Sea
Nucleo de la frase nominal: field
pre modificadores: The Chestnut 
post modificadores: in the Central North Sea
Frase verbal : is operated by Centrica Energy Upstream and located in 340 feet of water.
Nucleo de la frase verbal: is
Tiempo verbal: Presente simple.

2) The field produces hydrocarbons from two subsea wells

Frase nominal:  The field
Nucleo de la frase nominal : field
pre modificadores: The
post modificadores ----
Frase verbal :
produces hydrocarbons from two subsea wells

Nucleo de la frase verbal : produces
Tiempo verbal
: Presente Simple

Espero que esta actividad sea de su completo agrado.

Deja tus comentarios;

Ing. Obed Segovia

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